A view from the CID Institutes Entrance towards the International Cooking School Summer Garden Restaurant and the School Building that was the former ZANGER OHG Optical Instrument Factory in Weilmuenster. In the background the historic red-brick "Schoolhouse" a former local teachers lodge. The International Cooking School Classroom is situated inside the first floor of the factory building towards the garden restaurant court behind the banana plant. A lake area, a sculpture garden ethnic artcraft exposition and a neophyta plant area will decorate the transition between International Cooking School and the Botanical Garden of the CID Institute.
Since 2017 CID Institute advances the foundation of the CID INSTITUTE WEILMÜNSTER INTERNATIONAL COOKING SCHOOL in an former factory building vecine to the Institute.
The school will be directed and managed by an association of female immigrants that live in the Frankfurt-Taunus region. The basic idea is that cooking and eating together unites people over all frontiers more than any other activity.
The school will offer courses in preparation of local dishes from all world regions and teach the recipes to children, scholars and students. Every day the preparation of another typical dish from one country will be introduced to the participants of the classes.
Excursions to the sites where international food stores offer the foreign food specialities, spices, herbs and vegetables will be hold and the recognition of fresh food characterisitcs will be trained.
In a summer garden restaurant the jointly prepared meals can be consumed for example as substitute for school meals, during afternoon household lessons or as "Tafel" for local immigrants.
As teacheresses preferential can act immigrant woman with informal professional degree or also low german language knowledge but with good cooking and teaching abilities to offer to this group of persons the possibility of a qualified professional occupation als part-time honorary force under a female self-directed roof.
The school can be optionally extended for parallel community services (cloth-change-service, international food-store, etc.) when demand grows on initiative of the womans carrier circle. Connect to CID Institute or our Frankfurt contact person and join the formation of the School Carrier Circle.
Done :
Evaluation of exisiting interest an participant groups.
First contact establishment with local Kindergarden, Schools, teachers and potential carrier groups.
Contact establishment with the Frankfurt magistrate comissioned for integrative issues, the Office of Womans Affairs and feminist initiatives.
Previous design of a school teaching content plan.
First contact establishment to potential teachers and consultants.
Design of a sitemap and a project homepage.
To do :
Compromising a circle of female immigrants that will organize the schools administrative and teaching affairs for long terms and that will search, select, prepare and supervise the teacheresses as self-administrated independent entity.
Calculation of costs for the renovation of the actual building structure, the implementation of a modern cooking classroom and the resturant structure.
Search for a financing of implementation of the kitchen-classroom.
Calculation of the future school management expenses (water, electricity, heating).
Calculation of the future school running cost (fee for teacheresses, cooking ressources, etc.) and design of the mode of collection of the teaching fee to cover the expenses.
Negotiations with the local schools and town administration about the offer of self-cooked "school-dinner" and "accompanied afternoon household lessons" to cover the course expenses and fees.
Negotiations with the actual resting partial factory building user that occupies 50% of the building about his retrieval of industrial machinery and handover of half the building share.
Search of parallel income generating activities that could be developed with the building as for example the implementation of a international food store, an international full time restaurant, a second hand cloth change store, hostel rooms, etc.
And more ...
Peter Ulrich Zanger
00 49 (0) 6472 - 83 39 65
Limburg Chamber of Commerce since 2005
Frankfurter Volksbank
Done :
Evaluation of exisiting interest an participant groups.
First contact establishment with local Kindergarden, Schools, teachers and potential carrier groups.
Contact establishment with the Frankfurt magistrate comissioned for integrative issues, the Office of Womans Affairs and feminist initiatives.
Previous design of a school teaching content plan.
First contact establishment to potential teachers and consultants.
Design of a sitemap and a project homepage.
To do :
Compromising a circle of female immigrants that will organize the schools administrative and teaching affairs for long terms and that will search, select, prepare and supervise the teacheresses as self-administrated independent entity.
Calculation of costs for the renovation of the actual building structure, the implementation of a modern cooking classroom and the resturant structure.
Search for a financing of implementation of the kitchen-classroom.
Calculation of the future school management expenses (water, electricity, heating).
Calculation of the future school running cost (fee for teacheresses, cooking ressources, etc.) and design of the mode of collection of the teaching fee to cover the expenses.
Negotiations with the local schools and town administration about the offer of self-cooked "school-dinner" and "accompanied afternoon household lessons" to cover the course expenses and fees.
Negotiations with the actual resting partial factory building user that occupies 50% of the building about his retrieval of industrial machinery and handover of half the building share.
Search of parallel income generating activities that could be developed with the building as for example the implementation of a international food store, an international full time restaurant, a second hand cloth change store, hostel rooms, etc.
And more ...
Who we are ?
Peter Ulrich Zanger
Diplomated Biologist
Nassauer Strasse 23 a
35789 Weilmünster
00 49 (0) 6472 - 83 39 65
00 49 (0) 152 - 10 84 20 87
00 49 (0) 160 - 335 30 21 what´s app
peter zanger foto cid - wechat
Limburg Chamber of Commerce since 2005
Commerial Register Number HRE 2720 CID Forschung
Frankfurter Volksbank
IBAN DE72501900004201604759